Dear Colleague, Ally or Friend:
In solidarity and with hope for the future, Bend the Arc:CU is inviting you to a national panel at 6 pm CDT on Thursday, July 23, featuring Pittsburgh Steelers offensive tackle Zach Banner, hip-hop artist and 1Hood founder Jasiri X, and other luminaries to a panel discussion regarding the recent anti-Semitic remarks coming from prominent Black personalities, including Philadelphia Eagle DeSean Jackson, rapper Ice Cube, and others.
The event is being hosted by the Pittsburgh Chapter of Bend the Arc Jewish Action in response to the recent events surrounding Jackson's anti-Semitic comments, for which he has been fired. His comments proved especially painful in Pittsburgh, where many are still reeling from the 2018 mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue. At a time when all marginalized groups, especially Black and Jewish Americans, need to unite, we must focus on the imperative to stand simultaneously against racism and antisemitism.
Featured speaker Zach Banner was one of the earliest voices in the NFL to respond to Jackson's comments, emphasizing the interconnections between racism and antisemitism and calling for Black/Jewish solidarity at a time when some are trying to divide and distract the movement for social justice. Others on the panel will include members of Repair the World:Pittsburgh, national organizer for Bend the Arc Graie Hagans, and educational equity activist Michelle King.
Bend the Arc:CU sincerely hopes that you and others from your organization will join us for this important event, and we are making plans to keep the discussion going in our own community. At a time when we are all threatened by white supremacy, some of which comes from within our government, solidarity is imperative in order to move forward. We hope you agree. In solidarity,
Diane Ore
Chair, Executive Committee
Bend the Arc:CU
WHAT: Virtual panel on Black/Jewish solidarity
WHO: Zach Banner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Bend the ArcJewish Action Pittsburgh, Repair the World: Pittsburgh, hip-hop artist and 1Hood founder Jasiri X, Bend the Arc organizer Graie Hagans, and educational equity activist Michelle King
WHEN: Thursday, July 23, at 6pm Central
WHERE: Online at Bend the Arc Jewish Action Pittsburgh’s YouTube channel:
Please let us know you are coming by RSVPing, so that we may invite you to participate in a discussion in the Champaign-Urbana community to further the conversation that emerges from this panel.