Bend the Arc:CU is sponsoring an #EndWhiteSilence vigil in downtown Urbana on Monday, June 15, just prior to Urbana's 7pm City Council meeting.
Please bring your phone in order to make public comment at the Urbana City Council Meeting, as well as to amplify this event to your friends.
This will be a socially distanced vigil. You can bring a chair, if you wish, or stand. We will not be marching. We also ask that you wear a mask or some sort of facial covering. We want this to be an all inclusive action, where nobody has to be afraid to participate because of the pandemic. Be sure to bring a sign that says #EndWhiteSilence. You may also want to bring a flashlight; it will be dark by the end of the vigil.
The more people that come to this vigil, the more powerful our statement will be. We hope to line both sides of Vine St. for many blocks to make our point. Please join us!
WHAT: #EndWhiteSilence vigil
WHEN: Monday, June 15, 6:50-8:30 pm
WHERE: outside the Urbana Municipal Building, 400 S. Vine St., Urbana
Information on the Bend The Arc:Cu #EndWhiteSilence Vigil
What to Bring:
-Bring and wear your own mask or face covering and practice safe physical distancing
-Bring a sign that says #EndWhiteSilence in big bold letters to face Urbana City Hall
-A folding chair if you need or want to sit while holding the sign
-Your own water to stay hydrated (we won’t be passing out water)
Social Distancing:
-stay 6 feet apart from people
In advance:
You may send a Public Comment to the Urbana City Council Meeting before the vigil. Comments can be centered around the following topics or others as you choose.
What does ending white silence mean to you?
What steps should the Urbana City Council take to End White Silence?
Standing in solidarity with minorities and people of color
Require all City staff and elected members to attend white-privilege, anti-bias, ant-racism, and anti-oppression training
Express concern that victims of police brutality continue to be blamed for their own treatment in the hands of those with power, tasers, guns, and training on how to subdue people with violent, harmful, painful, and deadly submission techniques. The narrative that it’s the victim’s fault for setting off the chain of events that leads to their own harm in the hands of police is false and must change.
Expressing concern and call to action to review and reform Urbana Police use of force policies in policing.
Encouraging the City Council to strengthen and empower the Urbana Civilian Police Review Board
The City of Urbana must hold police accountable for their actions, enact ordinances that require the use of de-escalation tactics in policing rather than responding with force and violence
Ask Urbana to increase the budget and resources for mental health resources, sexual assault survior resources, mediation, housing, food accessibility and education.
Instructions to provide public input by e-mail:
Submit your public comments by email by 7:00 pm to [email protected] Put “PUBLIC INPUT” and meeting date (6/15/2020) in the subject line. Email sent to this account is transmitted to all council members, the mayor, city administrator, and city clerk. Emailed Public Input received before start of meeting (7:00 pm) will be incorporated into the public record, with personal identifying information redacted.